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exhaustible, exhausting, exhaustive
exhaustible (ig ZOST i buhl) (adjective)
Descriptive of those characteristics that suggest a depletion or using up of reserves: Timber is an exhaustible resource due to the lack of foresight by the lumber companies.
exhausting (ig ZOST ing) (adjective)
Characterizing something that uses all of one's mental or physical energy: Running the marathon is an exhausting activity.
exhausting (ig ZOST ing) (verb)
Completely using up something; such as, supplies or financial resources: Brock kept overspending until he finally realized that he was exhausting all of his money.
exhaustive (ig ZAW stiv) (adjective)
Pertaining to a thorough and complete study or consideration of information: To complete his degree, Weldon undertook an exhaustive study of the use of the printing press over the decades.
It was exhausting to complete the exhaustive study of the exhaustible resources of the region.
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group E; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc. +
(page 4)
Word Entries containing the term:
exhausting ventilation, vacuum ventilation (s) (noun); exhausting ventilations; vacuum ventilations (pl)
A system employing an exhaust fan that forces out foul or used air from a room in a building and provides fresh air from outside: Some firms, where dangerous or noxious processes take place, use vacuum ventilation in order to provide a healthy environment for the workers.