You searched for: “examined
examine (verb), examines, examined, examining
1. To inspect or scrutinise something critacally and throughly: The police examined the scene of the crime very carefully.
2. To assess the aptitude or qualifications of a student normally by questioning: On entering college for the first time, students have to be examined in different subject areas.
3. To check someone or something for health reasons: At the dermatologist's office, Jim was examined by Dr. Black for any skin irregularities or disorders.
This entry is located in the following unit: ag-, agen-, act-, agi-, agit- (page 8)
Word Entries containing the term: “examined
A teacher at school had to go to an ophthalmologist to get her eyes examined because she couldn't control her pupils.
This entry is located in the following unit: paraprosdokian, paraprosdokia (page 2)