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eviscerate (verb), eviscerates; eviscerated; eviscerating
1. To take away or to remove an essential part of something and so weaken it: There was a compromise that eviscerated the proposed Senate bill.
2. To remove the internal organs or entrails of a person or of an animal: Sharon was eviscerating a turkey for dinner.
3. In medicine, to remove the contents of (an organ) or to remove an organ: Because of the severe damage done to Mark's eye during a boxing match, the surgeon found it necessary to eviscerate his left eye.
2. To remove the internal organs or entrails of a person or of an animal: Sharon was eviscerating a turkey for dinner.
3. In medicine, to remove the contents of (an organ) or to remove an organ: Because of the severe damage done to Mark's eye during a boxing match, the surgeon found it necessary to eviscerate his left eye.
This entry is located in the following unit:
viscer-, viscero-, visceri-, visc-
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