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1. To escape or to manage not to do something, or to manage to stop something from happening, usually by ingenuity or guile.
2. To avoid, or to shun, doing something unpleasant, especially something that is a moral or legal obligation.
3. To avoid, or to stay clear of, dealing with or responding directly to something.
4. To avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing anything.
5. To be difficult or impossible for someone to find, obtain, or achieve: "Being successful in his lexicographic work has always evaded him."
2. To avoid, or to shun, doing something unpleasant, especially something that is a moral or legal obligation.
3. To avoid, or to stay clear of, dealing with or responding directly to something.
4. To avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing anything.
5. To be difficult or impossible for someone to find, obtain, or achieve: "Being successful in his lexicographic work has always evaded him."
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vad-, vas-
(page 1)
evade, invade
evade (i VAYD) (verb)
To avoid in a dexterous manner, turn aside, baffle: Silas tried to evade telling the truth by giving ambiguous answers to the police.
invade (in VAYD) (verb)
To encroach with the intent to take over, conquer, or to plunder: The weeds in the field will invade the garden unless they are cut down.
The speaker tried to evade questions that were being asked about the efforts of a large educational publisher to invade the small country school systems.
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group E; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc. +
(page 3)