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The act, instance of, or process of coming out in a sudden explosion, happens or begins suddenly and violently, etc.; such as, a volcanic eruption, a sudden eruption of violence, a skin eruption, etc.
eruption, irruption
eruption (i RUP shuhn) (noun)
An incidence of violent explosion: The eruption of the volcano took everyone by surprise.
irruption (i RUP shuhn) (noun)
A violent incursion or sudden invasion: The irruption of the population of rats in the city caused the health officials to be very concerned.
The eruption of the volcano and subsequent destruction of the infrastructure in the city caused concern that there would be an irruption of disease in the city.
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group E; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc. +
(page 3)
rupt-, -rupting, -ruption
(page 3)