You searched for: “ergasiophobia
ergasiophobia, ergasophobia, ergophobia (s) (noun) (no plural)
1. An abnormal fear, hatred, or avoidance of work: Ergasiophobia can be related to a number of job-related activities, including the dread of speaking in front of groups and socializing with co-workers, or being too slow.
2. A persistent, extreme anxietiy and dread of work related to not performing or functioning to perfection: Dr. Perfect, as a surgeon, suffered from ergophobia in that he was overly afraid in failing to operate successfully and with upmost proficiency and skill.

The world is filled with willing people; some willing to work, the rest willing to let them.

—Robert Frost

When it works, do it.
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Some people who don't work take advantage of those who do work.
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