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endemic, epidemic, pandemic
endemic (en DEM ik) (adjective)
Native to a particular locale or region: The bison are endemic to the plains of North America because they were born and lived there their whole lifetime.
epidemic (ep" i DEM ik) (noun)
Something which is very prevalent in a specific area: The doctors were afraid of an epidemic of flu in the schools during the winter.
pandemic (pan DEM ik) (adjective)
Referring to something which occurs over a wide geographical, or international, area and effects large numbers of individuals: The pandemic outbreak of flu made it necessary for the medical profession to work hard to contain it.
The pandemic enthusiasm for soccer spread like an epidemic among the fans; especially, those for whom soccer is endemic to their culture.
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group E; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc. +
(page 2)
epidemic (ep" i DEM ik) (adjective), more epidemic, most epidemic
1. Widespread, over or among many people at the same time; such as, a disease.
2. A special reference to a human contagious disease.
3. The rapid widespread occurrence of a fad, fashion, etc.
4. Etymology: from Greek epidemia, "disease prevalent among the people"; formed from the prefix epi-, "among" + demos, "people".
2. A special reference to a human contagious disease.
3. The rapid widespread occurrence of a fad, fashion, etc.
4. Etymology: from Greek epidemia, "disease prevalent among the people"; formed from the prefix epi-, "among" + demos, "people".
Word Entries containing the term:
epidemic hysteria, mass hysteria
Hysteria in a group of people, usually closely associated in a school or workplace.
The inciting incident might be a rumor or an unaccustomed odor; such as, paint fumes in a workplace.
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demo-, dem-, demio-, -demic, -deme, -demically
(page 3)
hystero-, hyster-, hysteri- +
(page 1)
An acute infectious disease usually occurring in epidemic form, characterized by paroxysms (fit or violent attack) of pain, usually in the chest: An epidemic pleurodynia is a very infectious disease that progresses and spreads swiftly from person to person.
Epidemic pleurodynia is characterized by very serious and critical chest pain in the lower thorax and upper abdomen area and omcöides fever.
This entry is located in the following units:
demo-, dem-, demio-, -demic, -deme, -demically
(page 3)
odyn-, odyno-, -odynia, -odynic,-odyne, -odyn, -dyne, -dynia +
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