You searched for: “enhancement
enhancement (s) (noun), enhancements (pl)
1. An improvement that makes something more agreeable or pleasant: "Enhancement is the increasing of the value or attractiveness of something or perhaps the increasing of someone's power."

"Boldness and eloquence can lead to the enhancement of a politician's popularity and effectiveness."

2. With computers, a change to a product which is intended to make it better in some way: "Certain enhancements usually result in new functions and become faster, or they may even be more compatible with other systems."

"Enhancements to hardware components; especially, integrated circuits often mean they are smaller and less demanding of electrical resources."

This entry is located in the following unit: alto-, alt-, alti- (page 2)
(seeing English words in three vocabulary quiz types from different perspectives for a greater enhancement of English-word skills)
Word Entries containing the term: “enhancement
thermal enhancement
The use of heat; for example, the injection of steam, to increase the amount of petroleum which can be recovered from a well.
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “enhancement
cloud enhancement
The increase in solar intensity caused by reflected irradiance (sending forth radiant light) from nearby clouds.
This entry is located in the following unit: Photovoltaic Conversion Efficiency Terms + (page 4)