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englobe (verb, englobes; englobed; englobing
1. To enclose, as if with a globe: The snowstorm globe englobed a tiny Christmas tree all decorated with cute Christmas balls, glitter, and a star at the top of the tree.
2. To take in by a spheroidal body: Tom learned that a phagocyte can englobe or ingest bacteria and other foreign bodies.

By the process of phagocytosis, endophytes of a particular particles can be ingested or englobed, such as microorganisms or cell fragments.

Endocytosis is medically defined as the uptake by a cell of material from the environment by invagination of its plasma membrane, including both phagocytosis and pinocytosis.

A phagocyte is any cell capable of ingesting particulate matter, like a microphage, macrophage, or monocyte. Such cells ingest microorganisms and other particulate antigens that are opsonized (coated with antibody or complement), a process mediated by specific cell-surface receptors.

This entry is located in the following unit: glob-, glom- (page 2)