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(s) (noun), endoscopies
A type of medical examination in which a medical device is passed into an area of the body; for example, the bladder or the intestines: "The process of endoscopy usually includes a fiberoptic camera, which allows a greatly magnified image to be projected onto a video screen, to be viewed by the medical operator."
"Often during the endoscopy, the operator can retrieve a small sample (biopsy) of the area being examined, in order to more closely view the tissue under a microscope."
"With advances in imaging and miniaturization of endosurgical equipment, surgery can be performed during endoscopy."
Word Entries containing the term:
fiberoptic endoscopy
A visualizing technique enabling the operator to examine the internal organs with a minimum of disturbance or damage to bodily tissues.
This procedure has transformed the management of, for example, gastrointestinal diseases.
In chest disease, fiberoptic bronchoscopy has now replaced the rigid wide-bore metal tube which was previously used for examination of the tracheo-bronchial tree.
Fiberoptic colonoscopy can visualize the entire length of the colon and it is now possible to biopsy polyps (any mass of tissue that bulges or projects outward or upward from a normal body surface level), or suspected carcinomas, and to perform polypectomy (surgical removal of a polyp).
This entry is located in the following units:
endo-, end-
(page 9)
fibro-, fibr-, fiber- +
(page 2)
scopo-, scop-, scept-, skept-, -scope-, -scopy, -scopia, -scopic, -scopist
(page 11)
peroral endoscopy
Endoscopy performed by way of the mouth, as in esophagoscopy.
sinus endoscopy
sinus endoscopy, an endoscope is inserted into the nose, and the interior of the nasal passages, the sinuses, and the throat are examined.
This procedure can be done in a physician's office. The endoscope is inserted into a nostril and is threaded through the sinus passages to the throat.
To make viewing of these areas easier, and to record the areas being examined, a camera, monitor, or other similar viewing device is connected to the endoscope.
transcolonic endoscopy
Endoscopic examinations of the colon through an opening in the colonic wall.
This entry is located in the following units:
scopo-, scop-, scept-, skept-, -scope-, -scopy, -scopia, -scopic, -scopist
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trans-, tran-, tra-
(page 8)