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This entry is located in the following unit:
fort-, forc-
(page 1)

A unit related to:
(Latin: from niti, to strive, to endeavor; effort, endeavor)
(Latin: brisk, active, vigorous, energetic; great effort, requiring much energy, arduous)
(Latin: barely, scarcely, with effort, with much difficulty)
Word Entries containing the term:
A system of therapy in which misdirected neurophysiologic reactions are
made perceptible (as by the oscilloscope, electromyograph, etc.): Ponesiatrics is used
as a guide in recognizing and correcting such undesirable responses
PÜonesiatrics is a technique of training which is dependent on the perception of errors by the observation of physiological parameters, such as biofeedback training.
This entry is located in the following units:
iatro-, iater-, -iatria, -iatric, -iatrician, -iatrics, -iatrist, -iatry; -iatricians, -iatrists, -iatries +
(page 7)
-ics, -tics [-ac after i]
(page 30)
pono-, pon-, -ponic, -ponics +
(page 2)