You searched for: “dystonia
dystonia (s) (noun), dystonias (pl)
Prolonged muscle contractions that may cause twisting and repetitive movements or an abnormal posture: A dystonia may be in the form of rhythmic jerks and they may progress in childhood, but they are rare in adults.

In children, dystonias in the legs are usually the first to be affected.

This entry is located in the following units: dys- (page 13) tono-, -tonia, -tone, -tony, -tonic, -tonical (tension) + (page 1)
Word Entries containing the term: “dystonia
sympatheticotonia, sympathicotonia; hypersympathetic dystonia, hypersympatheticotonic dystonia
A condition produced by relatively great activity or stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system and characterized by blanching of the skin, goose bumps or goose flesh, vascular spasm, increased pilomotor activity (movement of hairs), and abnormally high blood pressure.

The oculocardiac reflex (slowing of the rhythm of the heart following compression of the eyes) is reduced or inverted, the pupils of the eyes are dilated, there is a fine rapid tremor of the hands, and insomnia often occurs.

Gastrointestinal symptoms; such as, anorexia and constipation may also be present.

This entry is located in the following unit: hyper-, hyp- (page 19)