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domesticate (verb), domesticates; domesticated; domesticating
1. In agriculture, to accustom an animal to live with or near people including farm animals or pets: People have domesticated dogs, cats, cattle, horses, chickens, other birds, etc. for many years.
2. To educate people to behave in an appropriate way at home, such as to use good manners, to be polite and helpful: Shirley's mother jokes that the family's cat and dog are easier to domesticate than the children!
2. To educate people to behave in an appropriate way at home, such as to use good manners, to be polite and helpful: Shirley's mother jokes that the family's cat and dog are easier to domesticate than the children!
Word Entries containing the term:
Any animal that has been trained and has adjusted to live in human surroundings: Various animals, like cats, dogs, horses, and cows, can be domesticated animals and exist in environments among people.
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dom-, domo-, domat-, domato-
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