You searched for: “dolor
dolor (s) (noun), dolors (pl)
1. In medicine, pain: Dolor id one of the principal indications of inflammatio, and some others include rubor (redness), tumor (swelling), "functio laesa" (loss of function), and calor (heat).

Dolor is used in old medicine as one of five cardinal symptoms of inflammation.
2. A mental suffering or anguish: When Susan went to work in the morning, her dog looked at her with a great amount of dolor.

This entry is located in the following unit: doloro-, dolor-, dolori- , dol- (page 1)
(Latin: to feel pain, to grieve; sorrow, grief, mourning)
Word Entries containing the term: “dolor
dolor capitis (s) (noun (no pl)
A headache: Dolor capitis is a result of changes in the scalp or bones instead of the intracranial structures.

Dolor capitis can also be due to ntal suffering or anguish

dolor coxa (s) (noun), dolor coxae (pl)
A pain in the hip: When Jim went to see Dr. Smart about the discomfort in the region of his left hip, he was told that he had a case of dolor coxa which caused him much suffering while taking his dog out for a walk.
This entry is located in the following unit: doloro-, dolor-, dolori- , dol- (page 1)
dolor vagus (s) (noun), dolor vagi (pl)
Vague, diffuse, or fleeting pains in the chest or abdomen: Because Jill complained of a tenderness in the area of her stomach that did't seem to get better, her parents took her to see Dr. Match who diagnosed her as having a condition of dolor vagus which involved the vagus nerve.
This entry is located in the following unit: doloro-, dolor-, dolori- , dol- (page 1)