You searched for: “disposition
deposition, disposal, disposition
deposition (dep" uh ZISH uhn) (noun)
The written testimony of a witness made under oath: The law clerk helped the witness prepare the deposition to submit to the court, telling her side of the story.
disposal (di SPOH zuhl) (noun)
1. The authority or inclination to determine the use of something: Mr. Simmons said, "As the office manager, it is at my disposal whether the visitors may use the telephone and fax machine."
2. An instrument for the orderly and systematic destruction of something: When they renovated their kitchen, they installed a top-of-the-line disposal for the elimination of the household kitchen garbage.
disposition (dis" puh ZISH uhn) (noun)
1. A plan for the orderly management of property, money, etc.: In his last will, the factory owner was careful to make a statement of the disposition of the bank account to the family lawyer.
2. The act of getting rid of something: Kari arranged for the disposition of the old tires by sending them to the recycling center.
3. A typical attitude, temperament, or mood: Rosalie had a sunny disposition which enhanced her teaching skills.

Leticia's strong public disposition motivated her to write a deposition to the city disposal agency to complain about the inadequate disposal of garbage in her neighborhood.

disposition (s) (noun), dispositions (pl)
1. A natural or acquired habit or characteristic tendency in a person or thing; temperament: Almut's natural disposition is to always try to be cheerful and content.
2. An act of getting rid of something or giving it to another person: The disposition of Uncle Jim's property was easily accomplished.

The safe disposition of toxic refuse is highly contested in some neighborhoods.

3. An attitude of mind especially one that favors one alternative over others: Mayor Nelson's disposition on the topic of waste management was to expand the land fill sites.

Some animals and humans have sweet or sour dispositions, or personalities; and some of them also share the disposition to eat greedily, to yawn loudly, or to run around making odd noises.

4. A final settlement: The court made a final disposition of the deceased's property to specific relatives.