You searched for: “disapprove
disapprove (verb), disapproves; disapproved; disapproving
1. To think that something is wrong or reprehensible; to censure or to condemn in opinion.
2. To withhold approval from; to decline, to sanction: Henry's father disapproved of his behavior.
3. To have an unfavorable opinion: Shirley disapproves of drinking alcohol to an excess.
4. To refuse to approve; to reject.
This entry is located in the following units: dis-, di-, dif- (page 7) prob-, proba-, probat-, prov- (page 1)
disapprove, disprove
disapprove (dis" uh PROOV) (verb)
To express an unfavorable opinion of; to condemn; to reject: The expression on the teacher's face suggested that she would disapprove of the essay on pets.
disprove (dis PROOV) (verb)
To establish as being false or to be in error; to refute: Margret's research set out to disprove the findings on the topic as presented in the last century.

Bernadine knows that there are those who disapprove of her efforts to disprove the gossip and rumors that are spreading in town about her cousin.