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destructive (adjective), more destructive, most destructive
Causing severe or a very large amount of damage or harm: "There is a destructive effect of unemployment on people who lose their homes and end up on the streets."
"It was one of the most destructive storms in recent memory."
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(page 41)
stru-, struct-, -structure, -struction, -structive
(page 3)

Units related to:
(Latin: death, deadly; fatal, lifeless; kill, killing; die, dying; mortal, mortality; destructive)
(Latin: death, kill, deadly, murderous, destructive)
Word Entries containing the term:
1. Rivalry that forces several producers out of the market.
It usually occurs when there are too many producers of a product that prices are driven down to the point where no one makes a profit.
It can also happen if a single producer is significantly wealthier than other producers and can afford to cut prices drastically until the other producers are driven out of business.
2. The result of businesses which strive to benefit when an individual, a group, or an organism damages or eliminates competing individuals, groups and/or even organisms and which opposes the desire for mutual survival.In this situation, success of one group is dependent on the failure of the other competing groups.
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peti-, pet-, -pit-
(page 2)
stru-, struct-, -structure, -struction, -structive
(page 3)
1. Designed or tending to disprove or discredit someone or an action.
2. That which is intended to damage or to hurt rather than be helpful or instructive: "Criticism should not be destructive, but instead it should be constructive."
2. That which is intended to damage or to hurt rather than be helpful or instructive: "Criticism should not be destructive, but instead it should be constructive."
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stru-, struct-, -structure, -struction, -structive
(page 3)
A process in which a carbon-containing material; such as, coal or oil shale is heated in the absence of air, resulting in its decomposition into solids, liquids, and gases, with the solid end product being carbon.
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stru-, struct-, -structure, -struction, -structive
(page 3)
self-destructive (adjective)
Marked by impulses or tendencies to harm or to kill oneself and even to do harm to others: "His son's self-destructive behavior could lead to something very serious one of these days."
"He was diagnosed as being rebellious, aggressive, and at times self-destructive."
This entry is located in the following unit:
stru-, struct-, -structure, -struction, -structive
(page 10)