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deposit (verb), deposits; deposited; depositing
1. To put or to drop something somewhere: Timmy and Jamie deposited their coats in the closet.
2. To leave something somewhere for safekeeping: Hans and Gretel deposited their valuables in the hotel safe before they went out for the evening.
3. To pay money into an account in a bank or other financial institution: Darla deposited more cash into her savings account in the month of May than she did in April.
4. To give a sum of money as part-payment or security for something: Mr. and Mrs. Johnson deposited the minimum down payment to guarantee that they would get the car the following week.
5.In nature, to leave or to form a layer of sand, sediment, or other substance, as a gradual process in one place, or be left in this way: Christy and Susan could see the layers of silt deposited by the river.
2. To leave something somewhere for safekeeping: Hans and Gretel deposited their valuables in the hotel safe before they went out for the evening.
3. To pay money into an account in a bank or other financial institution: Darla deposited more cash into her savings account in the month of May than she did in April.
4. To give a sum of money as part-payment or security for something: Mr. and Mrs. Johnson deposited the minimum down payment to guarantee that they would get the car the following week.
5.In nature, to leave or to form a layer of sand, sediment, or other substance, as a gradual process in one place, or be left in this way: Christy and Susan could see the layers of silt deposited by the river.
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(page 34)
pon-, posit-, pos-, -poning, -poned, -ponency, -ponent, -ponement, -pound
(page 3)