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1. Reliance on, or trust in, someone or something for help or support: The passengers had doubts that there was any reliable dependence that the aircraft aircraft would land on time.
2. The state of being affected, or decided, by particular factors or circumstances; such as, agriculture's dependence on the weather.
3. The state of being determined, influenced, or controlled by something else.
4. A compulsive, or a chronic need; an addiction.
5. A physical, or psychological, need to use a drug or other substance regularly; despite the fact that it is likely to have a damaging effect.
2. The state of being affected, or decided, by particular factors or circumstances; such as, agriculture's dependence on the weather.
3. The state of being determined, influenced, or controlled by something else.
4. A compulsive, or a chronic need; an addiction.
5. A physical, or psychological, need to use a drug or other substance regularly; despite the fact that it is likely to have a damaging effect.
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pend-, -pens, -pense, -pending, -pended
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