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1. A refusal to comply with or to satisfy a request: His denial to help out with the preparations of the farewell party caused much surprise among the staff.
2. A rejection to accept the truth of a statement or allegation: After reading the letter saying that he had to pay the outstanding amount immediately, Jack sent off a denial, contradicting the claim as not official.
3. In law, the opposition by a defendant of an allegation of the plaintiff: Mr. Jones was accused of committing the robbery, but his answer was a denial, stating that the accusations were not true because he was far away on holiday during that time!
4. A rejection to acknowledge or to believe something, such as a belief: When Nancy was attending church with her girlfriend, she listened to the minister, but her denial of Christ, in the way the minister presented him, could not be swayed.
5. In psychology, an unconscious defense mechanism characterized by refusal to acknowledge painful realities, thoughts, or feelings: Jane's terrible experience with her parents resulted in a denial or defense process that negated grievous and harrowing truths.
6. The act of disowning or disavowing; repudiation: The authority's denial of refusing to accept Janet's passport was a complete surprise because it was still valid!!
7. Abstinence; the quality of doing without: By refraining from drinking wine and beer, Jeffrey practiced denial.
2. A rejection to accept the truth of a statement or allegation: After reading the letter saying that he had to pay the outstanding amount immediately, Jack sent off a denial, contradicting the claim as not official.
3. In law, the opposition by a defendant of an allegation of the plaintiff: Mr. Jones was accused of committing the robbery, but his answer was a denial, stating that the accusations were not true because he was far away on holiday during that time!
4. A rejection to acknowledge or to believe something, such as a belief: When Nancy was attending church with her girlfriend, she listened to the minister, but her denial of Christ, in the way the minister presented him, could not be swayed.
5. In psychology, an unconscious defense mechanism characterized by refusal to acknowledge painful realities, thoughts, or feelings: Jane's terrible experience with her parents resulted in a denial or defense process that negated grievous and harrowing truths.
6. The act of disowning or disavowing; repudiation: The authority's denial of refusing to accept Janet's passport was a complete surprise because it was still valid!!
7. Abstinence; the quality of doing without: By refraining from drinking wine and beer, Jeffrey practiced denial.