You searched for: “democracies
democracy (s) (noun), democracies (pl)
1. A government by the people who vote for citizens either directly by them or by officers elected by them: In modern usage, a democracy is often more of a social state in which everyone has equal rights, without hereditary or arbitrary differences of rank or privilege.
2. The free and equal right of every person to participate in a system of government, often practiced by electing representatives by them: Norman's teacher at school taught the students that democracy was important in their country, and even in their school where all of the students could vote for their own student body president, for example.
3. A country with a government which has been elected freely and equally by all of its citizens: Most of the western countries of the world have decmocracies and the people living there are encouraged to vote for their representatives in the government.
4. The control of an organization by its members who have a free and equal right to participate in decision-making processes: The teacher of Jane's psychology class conducted his classroom like a democracy because his students were free to express their ideas and desires.