You searched for: “deluged
deluge (DEL yooj) (verb), deluges; deluged; deluging
To give or to send someone a large amount of some things at the same time: The rain storm will deluge the parking lot with a lot of water very soon.

Jim is planning to deluge his twins with all kinds of toys on their birthday.

deluge (verb), deluges; deluged; deluging
1. To flood with water: The downpour deluged the whole region where many people lived.
2. To overwhelm: Several countries have been deluged with financial woes.

The media has deluged people with reports about home foreclosures, bank failures, Ponzi schemes, swindles, high unemployment, and other bad news about the economy.

This entry is located in the following unit: luto-, lut-, luv-, lu- (page 3)
deluged (adjective), more deluged, most deluged
1. A reference to a large amount of rain that suddenly falls in an area: The river level rose to flood proportions because of the deluged storms that swept the countryside.

The deluged hills resulted in several mudslides.

2. Relating to a situation in which a large area of land has become completely covered or inundated with water: The most deluged meadow area was difficult for the animals to cross when they were searching for food.
This entry is located in the following unit: luto-, lut-, luv-, lu- (page 3)