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decorous (adjective), more decorous, most decorous
1. Characterized by or showing acceptable behavior, good taste, etc.
2. Characterized by an outward conformity to the recognized standards of good manners, behavior, etc.
3. As regards language, exemplifying propriety with the use of diction and grammar: Jim's teacher was surprised at his most decorous writing content and style.
2. Characterized by an outward conformity to the recognized standards of good manners, behavior, etc.
3. As regards language, exemplifying propriety with the use of diction and grammar: Jim's teacher was surprised at his most decorous writing content and style.
Word Entries at Get Words:
decorous (DEK uhr uhs, di KOR uhs) (adjective), more decorous, most decorous
1. A reference to conventions or requirements of polite behavior: Jacob has always been considered a polite and decorous neighbor until he was heard yelling curses and vulgar words at his wife one evening.
2. Proper; becoming; suitable; with dignity and propriety: Even with indecorous customers, the clerk was respectable, polite, and the most decorous person in the store.
2. Proper; becoming; suitable; with dignity and propriety: Even with indecorous customers, the clerk was respectable, polite, and the most decorous person in the store.
When people don't have wild parties that keep the neighborhood awake until dawn, are civil and courteous to strangers, and use language that is free of obscenities and blasphemies; then they are considered to be decorous, are living "decorously", and are not guilty of "indecorous" behavior.
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English Words in Action, Group D
(page 2)