You searched for: “decertification
decertification, desertification
decertification (dee SUHR tuh fuh kay" shuhn) (noun)
1. A procedure under which employees of a firm can disassociate themselves from a specific union, or a company can withdraw a union's official recognition as the exclusive bargaining representative of the firm's employees: The automobile company may have to use decertification of unions in order to cut down on operational expenses.
2. A process that causes something to be no longer approved or accepted: The government had to use decertification of the agency because it was not performing its functions as intended.
desertification (di zur" tuh fi KAY shuhn) (noun)
1. A process by which an area changes to, or becomes, a desert: The people must be aware of further desertification of their western land areas.
2. The rapid depletion of plant life and the loss of topsoil at desert boundaries and in semiarid regions; usually, caused by a combination of drought and the overexploitation of grasses and other vegetation by people: The international organization was praised for its efforts to prevent further desertification in Africa.

The decertification of the land management company came about because of the desertification of the rich farm land as a result of mismanagement of water resources.