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daily (adjective) (no comparatives)
Characterized by a regular occurrence each day: Shirley subscribes to a daily newspaper.
Jim's children take a daily shower.
This entry is located in the following unit:
-ly, adjective
(page 1)
(quiz challenge)
(blogs, or logs, of Word-Info site activities, daily and nightly)
(blogs, or logs, of Word-Info site activities, daily and nightly)
(blogs, or logs, of Word-Info site activities, daily and nightly)
(another journal, log, or blog about Word-Info site activities, daily and nightly)
(Daily-Quotations from internet sources)
Word Entries containing the term:
total energy expenditure (TEE), total daily energy expenditure (TDEE)
The total energy requirements of a person over the course of an entire day, including rest and sleep as well as actual physical activity.
This entry is located in the following units:
ergo-, erg-
(page 5)
pend-, -pens, -pense, -pending, -pended
(page 9)
total-, tot- +
(page 2)