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1. An accelerator in which particles are propelled in spiral paths by the use of a constant magnetic field.
2. A circular particle accelerator in which charged subatomic particles generated at a central source are accelerated spirally outward in a plane perpendicular to a fixed magnetic field by an alternating electric field.
2. A circular particle accelerator in which charged subatomic particles generated at a central source are accelerated spirally outward in a plane perpendicular to a fixed magnetic field by an alternating electric field.
A cyclotron is capable of generating particle energies between a few million and several tens of millions of electron volts.
3. An accelerator that imparts energies of several million electron-volts to rapidly moving particles.
This entry is located in the following units:
cyclo-, cycl-, -cycle, -cyclic, -cyclical, -cycles
(page 2)
-tron, -tronic, -tronics +
(page 2)
(Modern Latin: chemical element; named for Ernest Lawrence, an American physicist and inventor of the cyclotron; radioactive metal)
Word Entries containing the term:
electron cyclotron resonance source, ECR source, electron cyclotron resonance ion source, ECRIS
1. A source of multiple charged heavy ions which uses microwave power to increase electron energy to extremely high levels in two magnetic-mirror confinement chambers connected in a series.
2. An electrode supplying current of charged heavy ions that uses microwave power to heat electrons to energies of tens of kilovolts in two magnetic mirror confinement chambers in a series.
2. An electrode supplying current of charged heavy ions that uses microwave power to heat electrons to energies of tens of kilovolts in two magnetic mirror confinement chambers in a series.
Ions formed in the first chamber drift into the second chamber, where they become charged.
This entry is located in the following units:
electro-, electr-, electri-
(page 48)
-tron, -tronic, -tronics +
(page 3)
electron cyclotron wave, whistler wave
1. A circularly polarized wave found in a plasma that runs parallel to the magnetic field produced by electric currents outside the plasma.
2. A wave in a plasma that moves parallel to the magnetic field produced by currents outside the plasma at frequencies less than that of the electron cyclotron resonance, and which is circularly polarized, rotating in the same sense as electrons in the plasma; responsible for whistlers.
2. A wave in a plasma that moves parallel to the magnetic field produced by currents outside the plasma at frequencies less than that of the electron cyclotron resonance, and which is circularly polarized, rotating in the same sense as electrons in the plasma; responsible for whistlers.
A whistler is defined as an effect that occurs when a plasma disturbance, caused by a lightning discharge, travels out along lines of magnetic force of the earth's field and is reflected back to its origin from a magnetic point on the earth's surface.
This entry is located in the following units:
electro-, electr-, electri-
(page 48)
-tron, -tronic, -tronics +
(page 3)
ion-cyclotron-resonance mass spectrometer
1. A mass spectrometer in which the mass distribution of orbiting ions within a magnetic field is detected by bringing ion frequencies sequentially into resonance with applied radio frequencies.
2. A device for detecting and measuring the mass distribution of ions orbiting in an applied magnetic field, either by applying a constant radio-frequency signal and varying the magnetic field to bring ion frequencies equal to the applied radio frequency sequentially into resonance, or by rapidly varying the radio frequency and applying Fourier transform techniques (an operation that transforms one complex-valued function of a real variable into another one).
2. A device for detecting and measuring the mass distribution of ions orbiting in an applied magnetic field, either by applying a constant radio-frequency signal and varying the magnetic field to bring ion frequencies equal to the applied radio frequency sequentially into resonance, or by rapidly varying the radio frequency and applying Fourier transform techniques (an operation that transforms one complex-valued function of a real variable into another one).
Fourier transform techniques as used in electronics, control systems engineering, and statistics, is a term used to describe the analysis of mathematical functions or signals with respect to frequency, rather than time.
This entry is located in the following units:
ion, ion- +
(page 4)
-tron, -tronic, -tronics +
(page 13)