You searched for: “cryomations
cryomation (s) (noun), cryomations (pl)
The reduction of a dead body to a powder by freeze-drying it: Cryomation is a commercially coined term given to a procedure that, instead of being burned in an incinerator and then ground to ashes in a cremator, involves the human body to be frozen using liquid nitrogen at 196 degrees Celsius until the body is brittle.

Such a process drives out all of the water, and the cadaver is then subjected to a process which breaks it up into granules or fragments, which can then be returned in the normal way to the family for either burial or in an urn.

The process ensures that the final powder is sterile and 100% free of all bacteria and viruses. An accelerated composting process further reduces the mass and can itself generate and sustain life, that is, a flower or tree can be planted with the remains and so complete the "circle of life" which is preferred by many religions.

Compared to traditional burials, there is much less space necessary which is an important issue for many overcrowded urbanized-burial cemeteries. If the remains are buried after cryomation, then this could return to loam in the ground in 6-12 months. In such situations, the family could have one plot that would be a third of the traditional size which could be utilized by the family for many generations in the future.