You searched for: “cryoglobulinemia
cryoglobulinemia (s) (noun), cryoglobulinemias (pl)
In medicine, the presence of abnormal quantities of cryoglobulin in the blood plasma that causes gelling at low temperatures: When blood contains an overabundance of proteins that become insoluble at low temperatures, a condition of cryoglobulinemia exists.

Cryoglobulins are abnormal proteins that by definition have the unusual property of precipitating from the serum specimen in the laboratory when it is chilled and redissolving into the serum upon rewarming.

Cryoglobulins may or may not be causing disease. Cryoglobulins can accompany another condition (such as dermatomyositis, multiple myeloma, or lymphoma) or be an isolated condition themselves, called cryoglobulinemia.

This entry is located in the following units: cryo-, cry-, kryo-, kry- (page 3) -emia, -aemia + (page 1) glob-, glom- (page 1)