You searched for: “crime
crime (s) (noun), crimes (pl)
1. An illegal act for which a person can be legally punished by local and national governments: "As far as most citizens were concerned, the punishment of eight years and 100 lashes for the father who beat his daughter to death in an Arab country didn't fit the crime."
2. Behavior which is considered to be foolish or unacceptable: "It is believed by most people to be a crime to let food go to waste."

"When asked why he had never married; Erin, who was 40, said, that being single was not a crime."

3. Etymological or historical background: Crime is one of a wide range of English words which come ultimately from or are related to the Greek verb krinein, "to decide". This was a relative of Latin cernere, "to decide", from whose root evolved the noun crimen, "judgment, accusation, illegal act".

This passed via Old French crimne (later crime) into English, where traces of the original meaning "accusation" survived until the 17th century.

—Based on information from
Word Origins, by John Ayto, Arcade Publishing,
New York, 1990, page 145.
This entry is located in the following unit: crim-, crimino- (page 1)
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A unit related to: “crime
(Latin: wickedness, bad, evil deed, crime)
(Latin: to close the eyes, to blink, to wink at [a crime], to overlook [errors], connive at; to be privy to [secretly knowing about]; to be tightly closed)
(Latin: to err, to sin, to commit a crime)
(Latin: vitium; a fault, a defect, a blemish; a corruption, a crime)
Word Entries containing the term: “crime
crime victim (s) (noun), crime victims (pl)
Anyone who has been tricked, swindled, robbed, or harmed by another person: "A crime victim is someone who is identified as being a person who has suffered as a result of a perpetrator; such as, a robber, a counterfeiter, a physical attacker, etc."
This entry is located in the following units: crim-, crimino- (page 1) victim- (page 1)
electronic crime
Any criminal activity involving the use of computers; such as, the illegal transfer of funds from one account to another or the stealing, changing, or erasing of data in an electronic data bank.
This entry is located in the following unit: electro-, electr-, electri- (page 61)
victimless crime (s) (noun), victimless crimes (pl) (nouns)
This entry is located in the following unit: victim- (page 1)