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creak, creak, creek
creak (KREEK) (noun)
A particular kind of grating or sharp shrill sound: Marta could hear the creak of the hinges as someone was opening the old door.
creak (KREEK) (verb)
To make a harsh, squeaking sound: Sara's new shoes will creak when she wears them until she has worn them for a few days.
creek (KREEK, KRIK) (noun)
A very small stream which is often a shallow or intermittent tributary to a river: When Donnie was a boy, his brother and Rick used to go to a creek where they would seine or fish with a small net to catch some tiny fish to put in their aquaria.
Down by the creek was an old house and Carlton noticed that when the door was opened, it seemed to creak as if it hadn't been opened in a long time.
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group C; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc.
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(Latin: creak, crackle; rattle, rustling; grating, grinding)