You searched for: “country
This entry is located in the following unit: contra-, contro-, counter, contre- (page 9)
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Units related to: “country
(Greek: place, space, land; country, district)
(Latin: father, dad, pop (family member); fatherland, country, nation)
(Latin: country, farm, land, open land; of the country, simple; living in the country)
(perceptions of China and the Chinese in their actual interrelationships with themselves and the rest of the world; as well as, the potential hazards and perils of their global dominance)
(Latin: suffix from -ensis, of, belonging to, from [a place]; originating in [a city or country])
(Latin: belonging to a country; born in a country; native to a geographical area)
(Latin: originally, country area, province; villager; more recent meanings: heathen, atheist; idolatrous, idol worshippers; heretic, heretical)
(Wilfred Owen challenges our thinking about whether it is really so sweet and fitting to die for one's country)
Word Entries containing the term: “country
A carnation is a country where everyone owns a car.
This entry is located in the following unit: paraprosdokian, paraprosdokia (page 1)
Carnation: A country where everyone owns a car.
ruricole (verb), ruricoles; ruricoled; ruricoling: fields, country area
Living in the country or in fields.
This entry is located in the following unit: -cola, -colas; -cole; -colent; -colid; -coline; -colous (page 22)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “country
China: The Country and Its Globalization Perspectives
Perceptions of China and the Chinese in their actual interrelationships with themselves and the rest of the world; as well as, the potential hazards and perils of their global dominance unit.