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1. The act or process of corrupting.
2. The state of being corrupt.
3. Decay; rot.
4. Etymologically the word "corruption" comes from the Latin verb corruptus "to break"; past participle of corrumpere "to destroy" [com-, "together with", intensive prefix + rumpere, "to break"].
2. The state of being corrupt.
3. Decay; rot.
4. Etymologically the word "corruption" comes from the Latin verb corruptus "to break"; past participle of corrumpere "to destroy" [com-, "together with", intensive prefix + rumpere, "to break"].
Conceptually, corruption is a form of behavior, which departs from ethics, morality, tradition, law, and civic virtue.
Extended definitions and examples
- Lack of integrity or honesty (especially susceptibility to bribery); use of a position of trust for dishonest gain [syn: corruptness] [ant: incorruptness].
- In a state of progressive putrefaction [syn: putrescence, putridness, rottenness].
- Decay of matter; as by rot or oxidation.
- Moral perversion; impairment of virtue and moral principles: "the luxury and corruption among the upper classes"; "moral degeneracy followed intellectual degeneration"; "its brothels; its opium parlors; its depravity" [syn: degeneracy, depravity].
- Destroying someone's (or some group's) honesty or loyalty; undermining moral integrity: "corruption of a minor"; "the big city's subversion of rural innocence" [syn: subversion].
- Inducement (as of a public official) by improper means (as bribery) to violate duty (as by committing a felony): "He was held on charges of corruption and racketeering."
He that accuses all mankind of corruption ought to remember that he is sure to convict only one.
This entry is located in the following units:
Globalization of Corruption: An Introduction
(page 1)
rupt-, -rupting, -ruption
(page 2)
(page 7)
(international cheating, defrauding, and dishonesty and their detriments to human progress)
(Latin: vitium; a fault, a defect, a blemish; a corruption, a crime)
Word Entries containing the term:
anticorruption, anti-corruption, anti corruption (adjective)
A reference to being against dishonesty; especially, against bribery and dishonest gain: "Corruption sabotages policies and programs that aim to reduce poverty, so attacking corruption is critical to the achievement of the World Bank's overarching mission of poverty reduction. We believe that an effective anticorruption strategy builds on five key elements:
- Increasing Political Accountability
- Strengthening Civil Society Participation
- Creating a Competitive Private Sector
- Institutional Restraints on Power
- Improving Public Sector Management
To reduce the corrosive impact of corruption in a sustainable way, it is important to go beyond the symptoms to tackle the causes of corruption. Since 1996, the World Bank has supported more than 600 anticorruption programs and governance initiatives developed by its member countries.
"Indian anti-corruption leader organizes mass rally. Thousands of people have poured into the streets in various Indian cities to support Mr. Hazare and his campaign to create a new, independent anti-corruption agency with powers to investigate governmental officials."
This entry is located in the following unit:
rupt-, -rupting, -ruption
(page 1)
anticorruption, anti-corruption, anti corruption (s) (noun), anticorruptions, anti-corruptions, anti corruptions (pl)
1. Against dishonesty; especially, against bribery and dishonest gain: "Anti corruption, or incorruptness, includes the efforts of banks and other financial institutions to combat illegal activities and to prevent the laundering of proceeds of crime at the earliest possible opportunities."
2. Opposing moral perversion, degeneracy, and depravity.
3. Working against the destruction of honesty or opposed to undermining moral integrity.
4. Making efforts to stop the bribery of public officials who are willing to violate their proper responsibilities as office holders: "Australia's anti-corruption for development policy provides a framework for planning, resourcing, and reviewing anti corruption activities on a country and regional basis. Australia's approach to anti-corruption will focus on three mutually reinforcing elements."
5. Making efforts to stop decay or progressive putrescence, rottenness, or decay: "Keeping meat, dairy products, etc. in the refrigerator before consumption is a form of anticorruption."
2. Opposing moral perversion, degeneracy, and depravity.
3. Working against the destruction of honesty or opposed to undermining moral integrity.
4. Making efforts to stop the bribery of public officials who are willing to violate their proper responsibilities as office holders: "Australia's anti-corruption for development policy provides a framework for planning, resourcing, and reviewing anti corruption activities on a country and regional basis. Australia's approach to anti-corruption will focus on three mutually reinforcing elements."
5. Making efforts to stop decay or progressive putrescence, rottenness, or decay: "Keeping meat, dairy products, etc. in the refrigerator before consumption is a form of anticorruption."