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corespondent, correspondent
corespondent (koh" ri SPAHN duhnt) (noun)
An individual cited in a matter of divorce as having committed adultery with another party of the case: Tiffany, the show girl, was named as the corespondent in the famous divorce proceedings.
correspondent (kor" i SPAHN duhnt, kahr" i SPAHN duhnt) (noun)
Someone employed by the print or broadcast media (TV, radio, etc.) to supply news stories or articles: Paula served as a correspondent for the local newspaper, sending her reports via fax.
The headlines of the newspaper stated that the local correspondent for International News Coverage was named as the corespondent in the divorce case of the publisher.
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group C; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc.
(page 11)
1. Someone who communicates with another person through a written text; such as, a letter, e-mail, etc.: Mary's sister, Ginny, is a great correspondent who writes lively letters and cards and sends frequent electronic communications from her computer to other computer users.
2. A media reporter who is assigned specific topics to write about; for example, foreign and domestic sports, etc.: Margaret was one of the correspondents for the local newspaper on international monetary issues and was often interviewed on television.
2. A media reporter who is assigned specific topics to write about; for example, foreign and domestic sports, etc.: Margaret was one of the correspondents for the local newspaper on international monetary issues and was often interviewed on television.
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spond-, spon-, spons-, -spondence, -spondent,
-spondency, -spondencies (page 1)
-spondency, -spondencies (page 1)
correspondent (adjective), more correspondent, most correspondent
Similar to another item in many aspects but with discernible differences: "Robert" is a male name and the correspondent name for a female is "Roberta".
This entry is located in the following unit:
spond-, spon-, spons-, -spondence, -spondent,
-spondency, -spondencies (page 1)
-spondency, -spondencies (page 1)