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1. A discourse that surrounds a language unit and helps to determine its interpretation.
2. The words, phrases, or passages that come before and after a particular word or passage in a speech or piece of writing and help to explain its full meaning.
3. The set of facts or the circumstances or events that form the environment within which something exists or takes place: Warren kept talking about the historical context of his childhood.
4. The parts of a written or spoken statement that precede or follow a specific word or passage, usually, influencing its meaning or effect: Carl told Bettie that she misinterpreted his remark because she took it out of its context.
5. A data structure used to transfer electronic data to and from a business management system.
6. When referring to archeology, context is the spacial relationship an object has to other objects in the ground.
2. The words, phrases, or passages that come before and after a particular word or passage in a speech or piece of writing and help to explain its full meaning.
3. The set of facts or the circumstances or events that form the environment within which something exists or takes place: Warren kept talking about the historical context of his childhood.
4. The parts of a written or spoken statement that precede or follow a specific word or passage, usually, influencing its meaning or effect: Carl told Bettie that she misinterpreted his remark because she took it out of its context.
5. A data structure used to transfer electronic data to and from a business management system.
6. When referring to archeology, context is the spacial relationship an object has to other objects in the ground.
Artifacts found in context are interpreted as having the same functions or characteristics as the other objects associated with it; artifacts found out of context are difficult, if not impossible to interpret.
This entry is located in the following unit:
text-, tex-
(page 1)
(completed units of words that contain word entries that have both enhanced definitions and appropriate usages in context sentences while units of compositions presents additional information about specific words or topics)
Word Entries at Get Words:
A comprehensive description of an artifact's or feature's matrix (the sediment in which it lies), its provenience (three-dimensional location), and its association (its spatial relationship to other artifacts and features).
This entry is located in the following unit:
Archeology, Archaeology
(page 2)
(all of the enhanced units present parts of speeches (when applicable), have definitions for word entries, and clarifying sentences in context)
(lists of words used in context from various printed media; including, statements that help readers determine how words function in various contents)