You searched for:
contain (verb), contains; contained; containing
To have within itself, to hold as contents; to include: Caron's newspaper contains a great deal of information about weather conditions and what they have done in her geographical area.
This entry is located in the following unit:
ten-, tent-, tin-, -tain, -tainment, -tenance, -tinence
(page 1)
Units related to:
(Greek: containing, or derived from keratin, a highly insoluble scleroprotein that is the main constituent of horny tissues, the nails, and the organic matrix of tooth enamel; derived from Greek kera[s], kerat[os], "horn")
(Greek > Latin: volatile petroleum derivative; containing, or derived from the coal-tar derivative naphthol)
(Latin: poppy; used in extended senses to mean "pertaining to, containing, or derived from opium")