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1. A meeting or gathering which is typically focused on a specific topic and that is attended by experts or interested persons: The conference regarding water conservation was held in the historic Inn at Desert Springs.
2. An association or organization of affiliated sports organizations; typically to arrange events: The football team Sam played with was part of the western conference in California, which was scheduling winter games.
3. A gathering or assembly of clergy and interested members of some Protestant churches to determine church policy, review previous policies, etc.: The conference for Adam's church was held every year and dealt with internal matters and proposals for ways to bring more converts into their congregations.
2. An association or organization of affiliated sports organizations; typically to arrange events: The football team Sam played with was part of the western conference in California, which was scheduling winter games.
3. A gathering or assembly of clergy and interested members of some Protestant churches to determine church policy, review previous policies, etc.: The conference for Adam's church was held every year and dealt with internal matters and proposals for ways to bring more converts into their congregations.
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(Latin: toile to toilette in Middle French to "toilet" in English)
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A telephone communication in which someone talks to several people at the same time: When Jill's father was in the hospital, the nurses arranged a conference call for him and his three daughters who lived far away.
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-fer, -ferous
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