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complex, complex, compound, compound
complex (kuhm PLEKS, KOM pleks") (noun)
A group of related items, the nature of which is not completely understood: The scientist studied the complex of atoms, trying to understand what they represented.
complex (kuhm PLEKS, KOM pleks") (adjective)
Having many parts: The teacher asked her students to write an example of a complex sentence.
compound (kom POUND, kuhm POUND) (verb)
To combine in such a manner as to create a whole or a mixture: The druggist will compound a new medication to treat the rash on the patient's arm.
compound (kom POUND, kuhm POUND) (adjective)
Interest paid by a bank on the actual amount in the bank account and accrued interest: The banks' policy stated that compound interest would be paid three times a year.
The bank clerk provided a very complex explanation about the compound interest regarding the account of Elsa's husband.
In fact, he got a headache and had to go to the drugstore to ask for a compound to ease his discomfort.
The druggist used a complex of different ingredients when making the compound, assuring the man that the mixture would work.
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group C; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc.
(page 8)
1. A building or buildings; especially, a residence or group of residences, set off and enclosed by a barrier: During medieval times, valuable farm animals were kept in a compound near the house at night.
2. Composed of many distinct individuals united to form a whole group or a colony: The artists, including painters, potters, and glass blowers, lived in a compound and marketed their products under one brand name.
3. An enclosed area used for confining prisoners of war: There was great rejoicing in the community when the local prison compound was closed.
4. Consisting of two or more substances, ingredients, elements, or parts: The druggist, Mr. Evans, mixed a special compound for Anita's cough.
2. Composed of many distinct individuals united to form a whole group or a colony: The artists, including painters, potters, and glass blowers, lived in a compound and marketed their products under one brand name.
3. An enclosed area used for confining prisoners of war: There was great rejoicing in the community when the local prison compound was closed.
4. Consisting of two or more substances, ingredients, elements, or parts: The druggist, Mr. Evans, mixed a special compound for Anita's cough.
Many chemists utilize various kinds of compounds that consist of some other compound or compounds.
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pon-, posit-, pos-, -poning, -poned, -ponency, -ponent, -ponement, -pound
(page 2)
(Latin: "forming niter", or “niter producer”; because niter, a mineral properly called potassium nitrate, and contains nitrogen, a compound of nitrogen; gas)
(Modern Latin: named for potash, a compound of potassium; the symbol is from Latin kalium; from Arabic, gilf, and a reference to the charred ashes of the saltwort; metal)
(Modern Latin: English, soda, compound of sodium; the symbol comes from Latin natrium; "a salt"; metal)
(Latin: a minute fiber or filament; often a component of a compound fiber)
(Latin: flint, quartz, sand; a crystalline compound [SiO2])
(Greek: tragoidia, a compound of tragos, "goat" and aeidein, "to sing"; goat song)
(Latin: of, relating to, or resembling; compound of the suffixes -ule, "little, small" and -ar, "pertaining to, of the nature of, like"; and so, -ular is a combining form meaning: referring to something "specified": appendicular, molecular, pedicular; as well as, a combining form meaning "resembling" something specified: circular, globular, tubular)
Word Entries containing the term:
compound lens
An optic system of two or more lenses.
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lenti-, lent-, lens- +
(page 1)
electron compound, Hume-Rothery compound, intermetallic compound
1. In a phase diagram one of several homogeneous phases that has a specific crystal structure and a specific valence electron-to-atom ratio.
2. An alloy of two metals in which a progressive change in composition is accompanied by a progression of phases, differing in crystal structure.
2. An alloy of two metals in which a progressive change in composition is accompanied by a progression of phases, differing in crystal structure.
This entry is located in the following units:
electro-, electr-, electri-
(page 48)
inter-, intero-
(page 1)
-tron, -tronic, -tronics +
(page 3)
Word Entries at Get Words:
A substance formed by the chemical combination of two or more elements; for example, hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water.
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Astronomy and related astronomical terms
(page 7)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term:
A nest containing colonies of two or more species of social insects: A compound nest can exist up to the point where the galleries of the nests anastomose (come together or open into each other) and the adults sometimes intermingle, but the broods of the species are still kept separate.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Ant and Related Entomology Terms
(page 5)