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1. The way in which something or constituents thereof are combined or arranged: The family composition in the portrait was very pleasing.
3. The act or process of combining things or ingredients to form a unified whole: What is the composition of this delicious cake recipe?
4. The act or process of creating something; such as, a piece of music or writing: The teacher graded Mary's composition, "Flowers in My Garden", and gave her a good grade for her efforts.
5. The formation of larger words made up of smaller separate words: The term "wordsmith" is a composition made from two separate words, "word" and "smith".
6. The setting of type in preparation for printing: During his newspaper career, the editor, Mr. Jackson, became an expert in the composition of eye catching headlines.
The composition of the apartment building is diverse, including residents from many walks of life.
In the art lecture, the instructor, Mr. Straight, described parts of a visual image of an artist's composition of a group portrait.
2. The spatial property resulting from the arrangement of segments in relation to each other and to the whole: The art students were studying the three dimensional compositions in many of the famous artist’s abstract works that were on display at the local gallery.3. The act or process of combining things or ingredients to form a unified whole: What is the composition of this delicious cake recipe?
4. The act or process of creating something; such as, a piece of music or writing: The teacher graded Mary's composition, "Flowers in My Garden", and gave her a good grade for her efforts.
5. The formation of larger words made up of smaller separate words: The term "wordsmith" is a composition made from two separate words, "word" and "smith".
6. The setting of type in preparation for printing: During his newspaper career, the editor, Mr. Jackson, became an expert in the composition of eye catching headlines.
This entry is located in the following units:
pon-, posit-, pos-, -poning, -poned, -ponency, -ponent, -ponement, -pound
(page 2)
(page 5)
(cytology is the study of cells and the cell theory states that all living things are composed of cells and that all cells arise only from other cells)
(completed units of words that contain word entries that have both enhanced definitions and appropriate usages in context sentences while units of compositions presents additional information about specific words or topics)
Word Entries containing the term:
The chemical constituents and abundance of its components in the Earth's atmosphere: The atmospheric composition include nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, water vapor, ozone, neon, helium, krypton, methane, hydrogen, and nitrous oxide.
This entry is located in the following units:
atmo-, atm- +
(page 3)
sphero-, spher-, -sphere-
(page 2)
Completed Units of Special Compositions, Topics, or Subjects that Provide Special Information
Completed Units of Special Compositions.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Completed Units of Words and Special Compositions about Words
(page 1)
(knowledge about special topics that enhance a person's understanding about certain words)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term:
Cells and Their Compositions
Cytology is the study of cells and the cell theory states that all living things are composed of cells and that all cells arise only from other cells unit.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Units of Special Compositions, Topics, or Subjects That Provide Special Information
(page 3)