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competitive (adjective), more competitive, most competitive
1. Being sufficiently low in price or high in quality to be successful against commercial rivals.
2. Inclined toward wanting to achieve more than others.
3. As good as or slightly better than others because of being of good value or being worth more.
4. Relating to or characterized by an urge to compete with others.
2. Inclined toward wanting to achieve more than others.
3. As good as or slightly better than others because of being of good value or being worth more.
4. Relating to or characterized by an urge to compete with others.
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peti-, pet-, -pit-
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Word Entries containing the term:
competitive equilibrium
The point defined in prices and quantities, at which the demand for a certain good (article, commodity, material, merchandise, supply, wares) or service equals the available supply of that item at the time.
This entry is located in the following unit:
peti-, pet-, -pit-
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competitive lease
A lease issued in an area believed to contain crude oil or natural gas which is auctioned to the highest qualified bidder.
This entry is located in the following unit:
peti-, pet-, -pit-
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