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command, command, commend
command (kuh MAND) (verb)
To exercise authority or domination of a situation: The colonel will command the campaign to bring fresh supplies to the area.
command (kuh MAND) (noun)
An order, typically issued officially by a responsible individual; an instruction: A precise command was issued to the hikers to bring their rain gear for the walk in the rain forest.
commend (kuh MEND) (verb)
To praise someone or something in a serious and often public way: Evan commended the finder of the wallet and its contents for her honesty in returning everything.
The king issued a command that the parliament should commend the head of the university for his superior leadership in educational changes.
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group C; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc.
(page 7)
commend (verb), commends; commended; commending
1. To praise or to express admiration: Mr. Smith commended his student for such good pronunciations while reading a story out loud in class.
2. To mention as being deserving of recommendation or attention: There were a number of critics who commended Sharon, the author, for her outstanding book.
3. To mention or to pass on good wishes from one person to another: After her visit, Jane said, "And, please remember to commend me to your mother when you see her next week."
4. To entrust or to commit to the care of another person: Jack commended his kitty to the protection or safekeeping of his best friend, Jane, while he was away on a trip.
5. Etymology: from Latin commendare, "to commit to one's charge"; from com, "with, together" + mandare, "to place in one's hands"; just the same as command which is originally the same as commend, but differentiated from it in meaning.
2. To mention as being deserving of recommendation or attention: There were a number of critics who commended Sharon, the author, for her outstanding book.
3. To mention or to pass on good wishes from one person to another: After her visit, Jane said, "And, please remember to commend me to your mother when you see her next week."
4. To entrust or to commit to the care of another person: Jack commended his kitty to the protection or safekeeping of his best friend, Jane, while he was away on a trip.
5. Etymology: from Latin commendare, "to commit to one's charge"; from com, "with, together" + mandare, "to place in one's hands"; just the same as command which is originally the same as commend, but differentiated from it in meaning.
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manu-, man-, mani-, mandat-, manda-
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