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choler, collar, collar, color, color
choler (KAWL uhr, KOH luhr) (adjective)
Hot tempered and easily provoked: The candidate often demonstrated a choler temper when participating in a debate.
collar (KAWL uhr) (verb)
To get control of or to stop: The dog catcher attempted to collar the run away dog.
The police were waiting to collar the robber when he left the bank.
collar (KAWL uhr) (noun)
1. The band of cloth that finishes the neckline of a shirt, jacket, or blouse: The collar of the shirt was stripped, to contrast with the plain cloth of the shirt.
2. Any item worn around the neck, decorative as a necklace, or serviceable; such as, part of a harness for a horse: Melody wore a diamond collar around her neck, a gift from her mother.
2. Any item worn around the neck, decorative as a necklace, or serviceable; such as, part of a harness for a horse: Melody wore a diamond collar around her neck, a gift from her mother.
The collar for the horse was studded with brass to create a decorative pattern.
color; British, colour (KUL uhr) (verb)
1. To add vividness and/or variety of language when speaking or writing: Louise would often color her prose with startling descriptions to capture the readers’ attention.
2. To add distinction or vividness to a picture or writing: The child liked to color pictures for her mother.
2. To add distinction or vividness to a picture or writing: The child liked to color pictures for her mother.
color; British, colour (KUL uhr) (noun)
Visual distinction of an object based on the quality of light possessing hue, chroma (purity) and brightness: The color of the ancient vase was a deep hue of cobalt.
When someone is displaying a choler temperament and the color of his face is turning red, we sometimes say that he is getting "hot under the collar".
Virgil thinks Ivan should take a program to learn to collar his temper.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Confusing Words Clarified: Group C; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc.
(page 5)

Units related to:
(Modern Latin: chemical element; from Greek, chroma, color; because many of its compounds are colored; metal)
(Greek: color)
(Latin: color)
(Latin: the color white)
(Greek > Latin: yellow orpiment [pigment of gold]; arsenic trisulfide, having a lemon-yellow color and a resinous luster; used as a pigment)
(Latin: sky-blue color; dark blue, azure)
(Greek: chloros, grass-green; a reference to the color of the gas which tends to be greenish-yellow; gas)
(Greek: iodes, "violet"; from the color of its vapor; nonmetal)
(Modern Latin: chemical element; from Greek, iris, a "rainbow", because of the changing color of its salts; metal)
(Modern Latin: from Greek, rhodon, "rose"; in reference to the red color of its salts; metal)
(Modern Latin: from Greek, thallos, "a young, or green, twig or shoot" [based on the color of its spectrum]; metal)
(Modern Latin: from Arabic, zargun, "gold color"; metal)
(Greek: Chloris, goddess; the color green, yellow-green, or light green)
(Greek: the color gold, golden, golden yellow)
(Greek: the color blue, dark blue)
(Greek: the color red, ruddy; blushing)
(Latin: the color [reddish] yellow)
(Greek > Latin: a silvery color, or bluish green; gleaming, bright; gray)
(Modern Latin: 1. iodine. 2. the color violet)
(Greek: leukos, white; the primary meaning now is the color "white"; but it also includes the meanings of "light, clear, bright")
(Latin > French: bluish, livid; of a bluish-leaden color)
(Greek: the color black; dark)
(Greek: the color yellow; pale, wan, or sallow)
(Greek: dusky; literally, having the color of the twilight sky)
(Greek: the color rose [red]; roselike, rose-colored)
(Latin: a red or pick color; rose colored or pinkish)
(French: an outline portrait or an illustration of one color)
(Latin: the color green, yellow-green)
(Latin: the color green)
(Greek: the color yellow; blond)
Word Entries containing the term:
color anomalopia
Partial loss of color discrimination.
This entry is located in the following unit:
anomalo-, anomal-
(page 1)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term:
color scheme
A particular palette of colors that will be used within a room or a particular space. The color scheme is portrayed through paint colors, furniture, and soft furnishings; such as, carpets and curtains.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Interior Design
(page 1)