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collage, college
collage (koh LAZH, kuh LAZH) (noun)
An art work created from the use of diverse materials; such as, paper, cloth, etc.: The children worked on the winter collage as a class project.
college (KOL ij) (noun)
A school for higher education beyond preparatory or high school which offers degrees in specialized courses: After high school, Rachel had to decide to which college she would apply so she could become a teacher.
Melissa went to art college where she studied with a famous artist, re-known for her collage style which incorporated parts of machines, wheels, etc.
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group C; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc.
(page 7)
Word Entries at Get Words:
An artistic creation made of a variety of materials, like fabric, foil, and paper, which are glued to a flat surface to develop a picture or scene: Using old photographs, Joanna designed a collage which represented the many generations of her family.
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Words of French origin
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