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coal, cole, kohl
coal (KOHL) (noun)
A dark solid burnable substance formed by the decomposition of vegetable matter subject to airlessness, moisture, and increased pressure and heat: The miners worked in the mine, bringing up several truck loads of coal every day.
cole (KOHL) (noun)
Plants of the Brassica genis including broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower: The doctor told Delia to eat at least one cole every day as part of her diet.
kohl (KOHL) (noun)
A cosmetic preparation used to darken the eyelids: The actress used kohl to emphasize her beautiful eyes.
Using an old-fashioned stove to burn coal, the exotic dancer whose eyes were outlined with kohl, prepared a fantastic dish of cole, using sesame seeds and oil.
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group C; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc.
(page 7)
Units related to:
(Greek: coal, charcoal, carbuncle; carbon-dioxide)
(Latin: coal, charcoal)
(Latin: carbo, coal, charcoal; nonmetal)
(Greek > Latin: volatile petroleum derivative; containing, or derived from the coal-tar derivative naphthol)
Word Entries containing the term:
A type of coal formed from accumulated plant material that was transported from its original place of growth and deposited elsewhere: Judy's teacher told his class about allochthonous coal that had been formed from plant substances that accrued from a place far from where the coal was formed.
anthracosis; miner's lung, black lung disease, coal worker's pneumoconiosis, miner's pneumoconiosis
1. A disease of the lungs caused by the long-term inhalation of coal dust.
2. A chronic lung disease characterized by the deposit of coal dust, smoke, and carbon in the lungs and by the formation of black nodules on the bronchioles.
2. A chronic lung disease characterized by the deposit of coal dust, smoke, and carbon in the lungs and by the formation of black nodules on the bronchioles.
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anthraco-, anthrac-, anthra-
(page 1)
-osis, -sis, -sia, -sy, -se
(page 5)
autochthonous coal
Coal or peat which is derived from decayed plant material and found at the site of its origin.
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auto-, aut-
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combustible shale (noun), tasmanite, Mersey yellow coal, white coal, yellow coal
An impure coal which indicates a transitional level between cannel coal (an oily compact coal, with a greasy luster, which burns easily, steadily, and brightly) and oil shale.
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-bust, -ust, -bur; bust-, bur-, ur- +
(page 1)
Fracking, Hydro Fracking, Hydraulic Fracturing Content Entries
(page 1)
sapropelic coal, sapropelite
Coal formed by putrefaction of organic matter under anaerobic conditions in stagnant or standing bodies of water.
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sapro-, sapr-, sap- +
(page 3)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term:
allochthonous coal
A type of coal arising from accumulations of plant debris moved from their place of growth and deposited elsewhere.
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Geology or Related Geological Terms +
(page 2)
metallurgical coal
A term for coking coal and pulverized coal used in making metals and alloys.
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Metallurgy Topics or Metal Technology +
(page 2)