You searched for: “cline
A character gradient; continuous variation in the expression of a character through a series of contiguous populations; clinal.
This entry is located in the following unit: clino-, clin-, -clinal, -cline, -clinic (page 1)
(Greek: bed; slope, slant; to lean, leaning; an ecological term; in the sense of a slope or gradient)
(a poem by Lorrie Cline)
Word Entries containing the term: “cline
morph ratio cline
A gradual change in the frequency of appearance of certain basic body shapes and structures that accompanies changes in geographical location and ecological conditions.
Poem: I Met the Master Face to Face by Lorrie Cline
Going from a worldly life to a spiritual awakening with a vision of meeting God.
This entry is located in the following unit: Poems: Index (page 1)