You searched for: “clay
pelocole (verb), pelocoles; pelocoled; pelocoling: clay
Living, or thriving, in habitats that are rich in clay.
This entry is located in the following units: -cola, -colas; -cole; -colent; -colid; -coline; -colous (page 17) pel-, pelo- + (page 1)
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Units related to: “clay
(Greek > Latin: clay)
(Latin: mud; clay; dirt; filth; mire)
(Greek: mud, earth, clay)
Word Entries containing the term: “clay
A sedimentary deposit in which the amount of clay is greater than that of sapropel.
This entry is located in the following unit: sapro-, sapr-, sap- + (page 3)
thixotropic clay
A clay that weakens or changes from a semisolid state to a more liquid state when disturbed, and that strengthens or changes to a semisolid state when left standing.
This entry is located in the following unit: thigmo-, thigm-, thixo- + (page 2)
vitrified-clay pipe
A pipe, made of clay treated in a kiln to induce vitrification, with the surface glazed to keep water from seeping through the pipe surface; used for drainage.
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “clay
Feet of clay (Daniel 2:31-33)
This entry is located in the following unit: Bible Quotations used in modern English (page 2)