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cirrus (s), cirri (pl)
1. A thin wispy cloud, occurring as narrow bands of tiny ice particles, that forms at the highest and coldest point of the cloud region.
2. A slender tentacle with sensory or locomotive function, or a part resembling one.
3. A filament or slender appendage serving as a foot, tentacle, barbel, etc.
4. The male copulatory organ of flatworms and various other invertebrates.
5. A slender flexible animal appendage; such as, those on barnacles or crinoids or many insects; often tactile.
6. A structure formed from a cluster of tuft of fused cilia, constituting one of the sensory or locomotor organs of certain ciliate protozoa.
2. A slender tentacle with sensory or locomotive function, or a part resembling one.
3. A filament or slender appendage serving as a foot, tentacle, barbel, etc.
4. The male copulatory organ of flatworms and various other invertebrates.
5. A slender flexible animal appendage; such as, those on barnacles or crinoids or many insects; often tactile.
6. A structure formed from a cluster of tuft of fused cilia, constituting one of the sensory or locomotor organs of certain ciliate protozoa.
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cirro-, cirr-, cirri- +
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(Latin: curl, ringlet; tuft of hair, fringe; by extension, filament, tendril)