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1. The quality of being filled with particularity of minuteness and detail: Tony laid down the book quickly finding the circumstantialities of the descriptions totally long-winded and boring.
2. In psychiatry: The pattern or structure of speech that wanders because of an extensive amount of detail: The circumstantiality of Russell's explanation about what he did the day before contained a lot of extra particulars and technicalities, but he finally came to an end and his sister understood what he was trying to communicate.
2. In psychiatry: The pattern or structure of speech that wanders because of an extensive amount of detail: The circumstantiality of Russell's explanation about what he did the day before contained a lot of extra particulars and technicalities, but he finally came to an end and his sister understood what he was trying to communicate.
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stato-, stat-, sta-, -static, -stasi, staso-, -stasis, -stasia, -stacy, -stitute, -stitution, -sist
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