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circulate, circulates; circulated, circulating (verbs)
1. To move in a circle or to circuit; to move or to pass through a circuit back to the starting point: "Blood circulates throughout the body."
2. To pass from place to place, from person to person, etc.
3. To be distributed or sold; especially, over a wide area.
4. In libraries, a reference to books and other materials which are available for borrowing by people from a library for a specified period of time.
5. To cause to pass from place to place, person to person, etc.; to disseminate; to distribute: "He just kept on circulating the rumor."
2. To pass from place to place, from person to person, etc.
3. To be distributed or sold; especially, over a wide area.
4. In libraries, a reference to books and other materials which are available for borrowing by people from a library for a specified period of time.
5. To cause to pass from place to place, person to person, etc.; to disseminate; to distribute: "He just kept on circulating the rumor."
(fluid of life from ancestors, parents, and transfusions; something that survives by circulating)
Word Entries containing the term:
lending library, circulating library
A library, or department of a library, where the public can borrow books and often audio tapes, videotapes, CDs, and DVDs.
This entry is located in the following unit:
libr-, libel +
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