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cingulectomy, cingulotomy
1. Excision of the cingulate gyrus, a type of psychosurgery used for the treatment of psychosis.
2. The creation, by stereotaxic introduction of electrodes, of lesions in the gyrus cinguli for relief of intractable pain and in the treatment of psychiatric disorders and addictions.
2. The creation, by stereotaxic introduction of electrodes, of lesions in the gyrus cinguli for relief of intractable pain and in the treatment of psychiatric disorders and addictions.
Formerly, a unilateral or bilateral surgical excision of the anterior half of the cingulate (fiber bundle) gyrus (prominent rounded elevations in the brain), but now accomplished by electrolytic destruction of the anterior cingulate gyrus and callosum (fibers which unite).
This entry is located in the following units:
cingo-, cing-, -cinct- +
(page 1)
-ectomy, -ectome, -ectomize
(page 5)