Chronokinetics may also include the manipulation of space as well in accordance with the time-space continuum, allowing teleportation.
The ability of chronokinesis is not likely to be the actual manipulation of time and space, but rather the chronokinetics manipulation of himself or herself in accordance with it.
This is derived from the fact that people with the power of chronokinetics are still held down by gravity when time is "frozen", are still able to breathe, the weight of other objects still apply, etc., all of which would be a focal point of why people believe in chronokinetics develop health concerns, which also supports the theory about the teleportation aspects of this ability.
"Teleportation" is a hypothetical method (in science fiction) of transportation in which matter or information is dematerialized, usually instantaneously at one point and recreated at another point with psychokinesis which is the supposed ability to use mental powers to make objects move or to otherwise affect them.